
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Christine Reidhead, Author of How to Ace a Job Interview: A Simple Guide to Landing Any Interview

christine reidhead, How to ace a job interview,  job interview book, acing the interview,  Preparing for a the interview,  Interview questions,
Today we are interviewing Christine Reidhead about her new book, "How to Ace a Job Interview: A Simple Guide to Landing Any Interview."

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I have been a College Business Professor for over two years.  I have my Master’s degree in Accounting.  I am passionate about being a life-long learner.  I would categorize myself as a mother, educator, humanitarian and podcaster.  I like to continually challenge myself and strive to be better every day.

Describe your book, “How to Ace a Job Interview: A Simple Guide to Landing Any Interview,” in a few sentences.
It is a guide to help you prepare for a job interview. It describes three different types of interviews and what to expect: face to face interview, video interview and phone interview.  Then it discusses the three stages of the interview process: before, during and after. It also provides common questions that are asked in interviews and common mistakes that are made and how to avoid them.

Who do you think would most appreciate this book?
It is a very easy to read step-by-step guide.

What inspired you to write a book about job interviews?
My college students keep asking me for guidance on job interviews. I felt this would be a great guide to help them along the way.

It seems there are some alarming stats in the news these days about college grads being underemployed.  How is the job market today compared to how it was ten years ago? Is it easier or harder to land a job? 
It is difficult to land jobs these days, probably a little harder than it was before. You really need to set yourself out in front of the pack. 
christine reidhead, How to ace a job interview, job interview book, acing the interview, Preparing for a the interview, Interview questions,
Christine Reidhead, author of "How to Ace a Job Interview."

What are some common mistakes that people make during their first job interview?
I think one of the most common mistakes is being unprepared. This book will provide a guide that will help first time interviewees know what to expect and how to respond. I believe this book will help bring them a little more confidence if they apply the skills that they learn.

Is there a certain amount of time that people should allocate to preparing for a job interview?
As far in advance as you can. Practice and confidence are key to being successful in a job interview.

What to wear is always a big question for people going into their first interview. Business casual or formal? Do you have any tips for this?
Always dress for success. You are there to impress the interviewers and show them you are serious about the position. When you dress appropriately you will garner a little more respect. 

In terms of facial expressions, is this an important thing to be mindful of? Should people smile a lot or is there a risk of not seeming genuine?
The organization probably wants to hire a happy staff.  It is important to be cheerful and maintain a smile, but also be serious. You want to give the impression that you are serious about the position.

In a job interview, when talking about the applicant’s achievements, is there a chance that they can appear to be bragging? Or should they just demonstrate confidence? What are your thoughts?
It is common for job interviewees to become too confident.  It is bad for you not to be confident at a job interview, but a turn off if you are too confident.  It is important to strike that balance because you don’t want to leave an impression of arrogance.

What do you hope readers will gain from reading your book?
I hope they gain a confidence in themselves. Knowledge brings power and when you know a little more about what you are getting into, the more successful you will be.  I hope this book prepares them for success.

How have readers responded to your book so far?
It has been very positive!

What do you have in mind for your next writing project?
I’m working on a book titled, “21 Steps to Starting a Nonprofit Organization.”

Is there anything else you'd like potential readers to know about your book?
Enjoy and please leave a review!

More Information
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