
Friday, July 19, 2019

Ryan Carriere, Author of A Tale of the Eternal Stones: Firestone

middle grade fantasy, epic quest novel, monsters, magic and misfits, action adventure novel, young adult fantasy, ryan carriere, tale of eternal stones firestone, epic ya novel
Today we are interviewing Ryan Carriere, author of the middle grade / young adult epic fantasy novel “A Tale of the Eternal Stones: Firestone.”

Tell us a bit about yourself.
 I am Ryan Carriere and Firestone is my debut novel. Before my recent plunge into writing I toiled away in the corporate world as a Parks Planning Manager for my local municipality. One day I thought to myself, ‘what am I doing here? And do I really want to do this the rest of my life?’ I quickly answered those questions, found my passion and here I am about to publish my first novel.

Describe the plot of your new book, “A Tale of the Eternal Stones: Firestone,” in a few sentences.
The story is set in prehistory, 12,000 years ago when the world as we know it was not always so tame. The land was filled with mystic creatures, an advanced civilization, ancient clans and magical eternal stones that connected it all.

Two very different groups race for a hidden eternal stone, one led by a mystic vision and the other by blood magic. Unaware of the others' existence: when will their stories intertwine?  

Who do you think would most appreciate this book?
Anyone who loves monsters, magic and misfits. The story is full of action and adventure, colorful characters and a wild fantastical world to get lost in. 

Tell us about the protagonists, Roeg Stonehold’r and Sephonei.
The story has two protagonists: Roeg Stonehold’r and Sephonei. Roeg is from the Great Spirit Clan but he is different than the other clan members and is trying to find out his heritage. His clan father Unn, had a mystic vision about a Great Sadness that sets Roeg’s adventure in motion. 

Sephonei was drafted, against her will, into the League of Crystal Hunters and is sent on a dangerous quest to find the most powerful, eternal stone: The Bloodstone.

The main characters are searching for the Bloodstone. What is special about the Bloodstone?
The Bloodstone, is one of three eternal stones (the Firestone, the Bloodstone and the Waterstone) that exist in the Tale of the Eternal Stones world. This stone is coveted by the High Priest of Atlantea for its special life extension properties.

Tell us about the island of Atlantea.
The island of Atlantea is the fabled ‘island of Atlantis’ reimagined. Located off the eastern shores of the mainland (north Africa) are two concentric land rings circling an island. This engineering marvel is the center of the Atlantean empire and showcases its wealth, power and technology. It is home of the Citadel where the High Priest of Atlantea resides.

Without giving too much away, what can you tell us about the High Priest of Atlantea?
The High Priest of Atlantea is on a mission to create a utopian world for the Atlantean civilization. His hunger for wealth, power and technology is insatiable… it is only matched by his distaste for the mystical creatures of the world. What will happen to one man who covets supreme power but is so filled with hate?

What interests you in the middle grade / young adult epic fantasy genre?
This genre is fun to write because it can be filled with action and adventure, a mix of light and heavier themes but still allows the writer weave in humor for all ages.

middle grade fantasy, epic quest novel, monsters, magic and misfits, action adventure novel, young adult fantasy, ryan carriere, tale of eternal stones firestone, epic ya novel
Author Ryan Carriere.
Are there any authors who have influenced your writing style?
Whatever I read influences my writing. I can’t pinpoint one author over the other but for me I believe I have a unique style that is my own. When I write I become the characters and see through their eyes—they influence me more than other authors.

How do you think you've evolved as a writer since when you first started?
This is my first novel so my writing style is still evolving. But I can say that from my first draft to the finished product it is like night and day. I was told that a new author should never write a full-length novel nevermind a four-part series as their first attempt into the field and it would be better to start with short stories or a novella. But, since I was young I have never fit into traditional convention.

Are there any aspects (e.g. character building, world building) of your writing that you've been practicing?
I wanted to bring each character to life and have them be unique in their own way. I don’t rely on stereotypes and try to avoid bland dialogue or clichés. As for the world building, I wanted to create a wild world filled with mystical creatures that was also believable set in a time where humans were first emerging and the fabled ‘island of Atlantis’ was in its prime.

What are your goals as a writer for the next ten years?
My goals as a writer right now are to finish my four book series – A Tale of the Eternal Stones, then go from there. I quit my job to write so it is important for me to bring forward the best story I can.

How have your readers responded to the book so far?
Everyone who has read it said it was a rollercoaster ride of emotion, action and adventure. They responded very well to my characters, the humor and the setting of the story. They told me how my style of writing immerses them right into the story and the fantasy aspects are believable.

Is there any aspect of writing you don't like?
I don’t like how long editing takes. I am a big picture thinker and when I have to get into the nitty-gritty details, that is too much like work for me.

Have you ever had writer's block? If yes, how'd you deal with it? If you have not had writer's block, why do you think you haven't?
I have not experienced writers' block, per se. I am fortunate that before I started to write, I drew, a lot. So whenever the words aren’t flowing like water, I change it up and start drawing and listen to music. After a while the words always pour out of me again.

What do you have in mind for your next project?
I just hit the halfway mark of the first draft of Book 2 of the Eternal Stones series. So whoo hoo!

Is there anything else you'd like potential readers to know about your book?
Give it a chance and I promise it will grip you from the beginning to the end!

More Information
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