
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Iva Schubart, Author of Sanguine-Love

Today we are interviewing Iva Schubart about her new self-help/biography book, titled, “Sanguine-love.”

Tell us a bit about yourself.
Iva motivates and inspires by sharing her own story in a straightforward style together with reflections and exercises. 
Today she knows that the Law of Attraction really exists and operates in every moment of our lives, but most importantly, she knows how it works and she knows how to use it. She also knows the steps that are needed to use it, so she could create the life of her dreams.
She is the mother of two daughters, born in Egypt, of Czech origin and has been living in the Netherlands for about 26 years. She has worked in different management areas such as sales, export and procurement. She is an example of a single mother living abroad who has achieved a career in higher management in a masculine technical world. She studied mechanical engineering and after enduring a lot of challenges in her life, finally found her purpose to motivate and inspire people all over the world.

Describe the purpose of your book, “sanguine-love,” in a few sentences.
The purpose of my book is to show people it doesn’t matter your age and challenges you have come through, you can change and heal your life. My biggest reason to write this book was my mother, who passed away in summer 2017. She died with her trauma even though she was a very talented and inspiring spiritual teacher. She never wanted to share her personal story in public.
During my speech at her funeral I knew she wanted me to spread the message.

Who do you think would most benefit from reading your book?
I’ve got lot of positive reactions and reviews on my book. Most of the people rely on many of the reflections that I describe. It is not only a reflection of my own life journey but also includes exercises, practices and reflections. I write in a very simple and easy way. You learn more about how you can improve your attraction, your health, your wealth and your happiness. People can apply what they read and learn directly to their own actions.

You’ve lived in a number of countries. Tell us a bit about what compelled you to move around the world.
I was born in Egypt as a daughter of Czech expats living there. My father was one of the European experts in mechanical engineering. 1968 was, what I also describe as the worst scenario not only for my family (politically) but for the whole Czech nation. In 1969 we had to move back to communistic Czechoslovakia. My father started a trial against the Czech government because of the political dismissal of his position in Egypt.  Many high educated people emigrated at that time to western Europe; my father didn’t because my mother wanted to take care of her mother who hated her. I was always different, not one who fits in a box and live in communism in former Czechoslovakia.  In 1993 I joined my former Dutch husband to live with him in the Netherlands. I stayed even after our marriage collapsed after 13 years of marriage.

On a similar note, is there a favorite country that you’ve lived in?
As I think globally I believe there are so many beautiful countries to live and is quite personal. The most important at all is to have purpose in life, neighborhood, people and somebody around you who really take care of you and loves you. 

You write about your transformation when you turned 50. How did your perspective change as you grew older?
My mother always said the life starts at 50, I say the huge internal shift starts at 50. Some people learn, some people get depressed. It’s all about the choice that we choose. Everything starts within our mind and our thoughts create our reality. A lot of people cannot believe I am already in my 50s but believe me everything is about our thoughts, head and heart connection, mental and physical health, and reconnection with who you really are as the journey of a hero from Joseph Campbell, which I recap in my book as well.

The universal laws play a big role in your book. Tell us a bit about the benefits of understanding them and how they can help us in our day-to-day lives.
As I describe them in a very easy way you start to understand the universal laws are everywhere in our daily life. Next to the law of attraction ( this works like a boomerang, what we give out, we get back ), we have to understand the other laws to “ have it all “ in our life. These laws have been already described in the Bible.

What inspired you to write down your story and share it with the world?
My mother who passed away in 2017 ( actually my why as well ) and never wanted to understand how powerful self-love healing is.

When revisiting some of your memories as you wrote, did you learn anything new?
I am an everlasting student of my life and I will never stop learning ( one of my secrets on how to stay and look young ).

Can you tell us a bit about your writing process?
My writing process started in 2009. After a couple of years I wanted to continue and I never did. After the funeral of my mother in the summer 2017 I had a laser focus to finish my book within one year. And I did.

What was the most challenging aspect of writing the book?
I set an end goal as Steven Covey says: Begin with the end in mind. But next to it I had a lot of private challenges such as my relationship and I almost gave up finishing. I first realized how this toxic behavior influenced my physical and mental health. I was teaching self-love but didn’t understand I have to get rid of co-dependency and heal myself first before I can help others. After the finishing of my book, I almost had a mental break down even though my book launch was a big success. 

What do you hope readers will gain from reading your book?
Inspiration and motivation to create your best life and be who you really are; it doesn’t matter your background, gender, religion or age.

Are they any authors who have influenced your writing style?
Not my writing style, I write out of my heart, but there were lot of spiritual teachers who I recommend in my acknowledgments.

What do you have in mind for your next writing project?
Definitely about relationships, co-dependency and recovery. Next to it I love food and cooking. So there are some ideas too.

Is there anything else you'd like potential readers to know about your book?
Through my story I already have touched many hearts. Stand up, speak up and start to be yourself. Happiness is within yourself and your inner peace is the biggest achievement you can ever have.
Read, learn, know, be inspired and take the nuggets that inspire you to take an action. It will be your destiny. The choices we make, not the chances we take, determine our destiny.

More Information
Visit the book website. 
Check out the author’s website. 
Buy the book on Amazon.
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