
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Dr. Delene P. Musielak, Author of M.O.M. - Meditate. Overcome. Motivate. - A Mother’s 30-Day Devotional Journal

Mother’s devotional, devotional, prayer, medicine, children, women, religious devotional, 30 day devotional, the dr mom show, dr delene p musielak, meditate overcome motivate, meditate moms, physician author
Today we are interviewing Dr. Delene P. Musielak about her new religious devotional book, titled “M.O.M. - Meditate. Overcome. Motivate. - A Mother’s 30-Day Devotional Journal.”

Tell us a bit about yourself. 
I was born in, Guyana, South America and grew up in a Christian home with parents who are both Pastors.  My parents have played a vital role in my upbringing as a persistent, independent and strong woman.  At the age of six, my family migrated to the United States. 

From a very young age, I knew I wanted to be a doctor.  That is the exact road I pursued.  After obtaining my medical degree, I not only went on to train in one specialty, but two.  I am dual-boarded in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics.  I provide care for the whole gamut.  Or, as I say, “From the cradle to the grave.” 

I am a mother of triplets and feel so blessed to have them.  They have brought so many new adventures to our family.  Not only am I a full-time physician and super mom of triplets, but a wife of an amazing surgeon, an author, and motivational speaker.  I am also a Life Coach who recently started to offer Healthy Parenting Coaching services in which I help individuals as a whole; mind, body and soul.  I have also started my own YouTube channel, The Dr. Mom Show, which serves as a medical informational resource.  

Describe your new book, “M.O.M. - Meditate. Overcome. Motivate. - A Mother’s 30-Day Devotional Journal,” in a few sentences.
My devotional is a journal that helps encourage women and remind them of what they are capable of.  Each day includes a scripture from the Bible, a short personal experience and then a breakdown of how to utilize these tools to meditate, overcome and motivate.  There is also a daily prayer. 

Who do you think would most appreciate this book?
Mothers and women would appreciate this book the most. 

What inspired you to write a devotional for mothers?
My daily schedule is very busy, like a lot of mothers.  I realized that I needed some time for myself.  All mothers need time for themselves.  I wanted to write something inspiring that would help mothers reach their maximum potential, but at the same time, take no more than 10 minutes of their hectic day.

Your book incorporates the women of the Bible into daily devotionals. How did your interest in Biblical women develop?
I am not being partial, but from personal experience, being a woman can be difficult at times.  I have experienced this in my professional and personal life.  Some of the women in the Bible serve as examples of how they overcame different obstacles and struggles.  They are role models and a lot can be learned from their stories. 

On a similar note, is there one woman in the Bible that stands out as your personal inspiration?
Esther is definitely an inspiration.  She gained favor in the eyes of the king, became a queen, saved her people and stood up for what she believed without backing down.

Your book brings the reader on a 30-day spiritual journey. What made you decide on the 30-day time period?  
I chose this timeframe because I believe if it was shorter, it wouldn’t be satisfying, and if it was longer, readers could potentially not finish it.  I feel 30 days is a reasonable and doable amount of time to complete a book. 

Mother’s devotional, devotional, prayer, medicine, children, women, religious devotional, 30 day devotional, the dr mom show, dr delene p musielak, meditate overcome motivate, meditate moms, physician author
Author Dr. Delene P. Musielak.
Did writing the book take you to unexpected places or reveal things you hadn’t thought about before?
It sure did!  As I mentioned, I initially was inspired to write my devotional to help empower women.  However, at the time of writing this book, I was going through a huge transition in my own life.  My family and I were in the process of making some huge decisions also.  The timing was not planned at all, but it just fell right into place and, in turn, was very encouraging and uplifting to me during that time of transition in my life. 

You wear a lot of hats -- a writer, physician, mother, and wife. How do you juggle all your responsibilities? 
I do sacrifice some sleep=)  I try to be as efficient as possible by prioritizing my projects.  God and my family definitely come first and then I go from there.  Prayer and my planner also help me a lot. 

What was the most challenging aspect of writing the book?
The most challenging aspect was narrowing down the scriptures I wanted to use to the thirty in my book.

How did the book evolve from the initial idea to finished book?
Initially, I was not going to break down “Meditate, Overcome and Motivate” in the book.  However, as I was writing, God placed it on my heart to utilize my title and expand on those themes throughout the book.  This worked out and flowed beautifully. 

What do you hope readers will gain from reading your book?
I truly hope that my book uplifts readers and reminds them what amazing individuals God made them to be, and the incredible things they are capable of. 

How have readers responded to your book so far?
I have gotten very positive feedback about my book so far, including how it has inspired and impacted women’s lives and self-esteem.  This in itself has meant a lot to me and has been very fulfilling. 

Can you share how your interest in writing developed? Did you always know you wanted to write or was it something that evolved with time?
If you told me 5 years ago that I would be an author, I probably would have laughed and nodded my head.  However, as my professional and personal life have progressed, I realized that I had so much to share with others.  I wanted to use my experiences and knowledge to help others. 

What do you have in mind for your next writing project?
I am very excited about my first children’s book which will be published in the next month.  I am also working on a Mommy & Me devotional that will be published in 2020. 

Is there anything else you'd like potential readers to know about your book?
It is a perfect gift for any woman or mother in your life. 

More Information
Visit the author’s website.
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Watch The Dr. Mom Show on YouTube. 

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